Ολοκληρώθηκε το διετές ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα Erasmus+/ KA1 (2014-2016)
Τίτλος: «Διαχείριση σχεδίων για την ευρωπαϊκή διεύρυνση του σχολείου μέσω διαπολιτισμικών συνεργασιών»
«Project management for cross-cultural exchange projects in Europe»
Αριθμός σχεδίου: 2014-1-ΕL01-KA101-000883
Πραγματοποιήθηκαν 2 κινητικότητες από τις εκπαιδευτικούς
κ Download Friends across the street from Disney. Βολίκα Μαρία, ΠΕ04, Φυσικός-Ωκεανογράφος, υπεύθυνη επικοινωνίας και
κ. Καραπαύλου Στυλιανή, ΠΕ02, Φιλόλογος, Διευθύντρια 14ου Γυμνασίου Αθηνών
1η κινητικότητα
Πόλη/ Χώρα προορισμού: Porto/ Πορτογαλία
Οργανισμός υποδοχής: Institut für europäische Lehrerfortbildung
2η κινητικότητα:
Πόλη/ Χώρα προορισμού: Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto/ Ιταλία
Οργανισμός υποδοχής: «A Rocca Cultural Association»
Οι εμπειρίες και οι αποκτηθείσες δεξιότητες έχουν θετικό αντίκτυπο στο καθημερινό περιβάλλον μάθησης καθώς και στην υλοποίηση και διαχείριση του προγράμματος Erasmus+/ KA2, που υλοποιεί το 14ο Γυμνάσιο Αθήνας σε συνεργασία με άλλα 5 ευρωπαϊκά σχολεία Emily wants to play.
Erasmus+ Training Course
Final project report
From 10th to 16th of July 2016 the team of the Associazione Art Download newspaper articles. Cult. «A Rocca» and Eprojectconsult International department, in cooperation with 14o Gymnasio Athinas (Greece) and Loreto Secondary School (Ireland) hosted a group from Atheens and Dublin in the frame of Erasmus+ programme editplus2 다운로드. We hosted 6 selected participants in all during the projects «Project management for cross-cultural exchange projects in Europe»(Greece) and «Erasmus multicultural studies»(Ireland) Download Mr. Trout.
The training course was in the field of Multicultural teaching and it was held at EProjectConsult office, in the town of Barcellona P.G.
The program offered participants not only course about effective communication in the classroom, but also workshop on specific innovative teaching methodologies Download the opening.
The participants also had the chance to visit a SPRAR (Protection System for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) center, in order to see how the education system works inside the refugee center where the classrooms cannot be homogeneous Download the subtitles for Cagemusha. Throughout the week participants improved skills in their field of profession.
We hope that this programme will support creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for all students 함부로 애틋하게 7회. Karolina Kousalova was the person who conducted the whole training.
Aims of the training activities for adult staff specialized in Educational Sector:
To offer the participants a training experience in a foreign country;
To improve the skills and competencies of the participants in the field of multicultural learning;
To improve the quality of, and access to, continuing training and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies with a view to developing adaptability;
To promote and reinforce the contribution of training in the process of innovation, to improve competitiveness and entrepreneurship, and also provide new employment possibilities;
To offer to the participants linguistic and cultural knowledge about Italy;
To promote the European values about mobility, cultural exchange and cooperation between different countries visual c++ 2013 다운로드.
At the end of the project, participants received «A Rocca» placement certificate and EUROPASS.
Also the group of participants had a chance to visit beautiful places in the island such as Mount Etna and Taormina city 사업제안서 ppt. They are also familiar with Sycilian cuisine thanks to the local restaurants. For sure the course was enriching not only in an educational field, but also in the cultural way!
Moreover, the participants seemed to be satisfied with this project, and from their evaluations it is clear that they feel it was an interesting and useful experience. We are satisfied with the seemingly flawless success of the project. Hence, we hope that we will continue our cooperation with 14o Gymnasio Athinas and Loreto Secondary School.
Download the report / Irish participants
Download the report / Greek participants